Heroes of the Storm Wiki
Tristram Heroes Cine1

The Tristram Cathedral as it appeared in a trailer

Tristram was a considered battleground for Heroes of the Storm in its 2011 build. Players would fight Diablo in it. The map apparently no longer exists, and Diablo has since become a playable hero in the game.[1]

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References[ | ]

  1. 2013-11-11, Heroes of the Storm: Sixen Interviews Dustin Browder. YouTube, accessed on 2013-12-01
Cancelled features
Heroes_ Edmund DukeGruntyL80ETCLeonUltimatonVaevictisWarfield
NPCs_ GoblinLord Order
Creeps_ Ogre kingStone guardianYeti
Minions_ MarineStalkerThorZealotZergling
Structures_ BarracksCombat shopCommand centerFarmGoblin shopKnight towerKing towerMana towerPawn towerRook towerTeleporterWarp gate
Items_ Auto-turretCloak of flamesHealth potionHealth stoneMana potionMana stoneRunestoneSoul tokenTome of damage
Battlegrounds_ Arathi BasinAshenvaleHeavy Watch Tower JungleLane StrengthTiny Tim City ArenaTristram
Unknown_ Onyxia