Heroes of the Storm Wiki
Creep Tumor
Targetinfopanel unit zagara creeptumor
Summon Information
Summoner Zagara
ID ZagaraCreepTumor
Summon Type Passive
Duration 240 seconds
Health 125 (+4% per level)
Attack Damage -
Abilites Generates Creep
Sight radius 7.0
Movement speed -
Unit radius 0.5

Creep Tumors are Summons created by Zagara that generates Creep. While on Creep, Zagara gains 20% additional attack range and both Zagara and her summons move 20% faster.

Creep tumors turn Invisible after 2 seconds, and damaging them momentarily reveals them. Creep Tumors grant vision in 7 radius, increased to 8.5 when the Creep Tumor turns invisible. Creep Tumors are permanently Unstoppable, immune to skillshots and friendly Abilities and do not draw Minion aggro.
