Heroes of the Storm Wiki

"I bring panda-monium!"

Basic Info
Title Legendary Brewmaster
Role Bruiser Bruiser
Difficulty Hard
Franchise Warcraft Warcraft
Price Gem500 / Money4,000
Release Date September 10, 2014
Base Stats
Attack Type Melee
Health 2473
Health Regen 5.1523
Resource 100 Brew
Unit Radius 0.9375
Attack Speed 1.11
Attack Range 2
Attack Damage 90
Data Page

Chen Stormstout, the Legendary Brewmaster, is a melee Bruiser Hero from the Warcraft universe.[1][2]

Chen is a potent Bruiser who will dominate if the enemy team is lacking mobility.

History[ | ]

Warcraft This section concerns content exclusive to the Warcraft universe.

Chen Stormstout is a wanderer, adventurer and keg-emptier -- and this world-class brewmaster has left an indelible mark on Azeroth's history.

Chen Stormstout was born and raised on the Wandering Isle, a massive landmass on the back of the giant turtle Shen-zin Su. There, he developed his superior fighting skills and the desire to explore and discover new lands (and new ingredients for his legendary brews) like the traveling Pandaren who left Pandaria thousands of years past. Chen's wanderlust led him into adventure after adventure, from the creation of the wildly popular Brewfest event to the very founding of Durotar, where he fought along with the re-formed Horde to establish it in its new home.

Years later, along with his niece, Li Li, Chen embarked on a quest that led him to the mystical Pearl of Pandaria, and with the help of the artifact, he visited his ancestors' home, Pandaria, for the first time. Not long after, the Horde and the Alliance discovered the continent and rekindled their conflict, placing Chen (once again!) squarely in the middle of history.

Gameplay[ | ]

Chen is a very unique and durable melee Bruiser with solid damage output, high self-sustain, disruptive capabilities and conditional mobility, which allow him to do well in a multitude of ways. Chen functions around his Trait, Fortifying Brew Icon Fortifying Brew to Shield himself and recover a resource called "Brew", which replaces Mana. "Brew" is used for two (three) of his Basic Abilities: Flying Kick Icon Flying Kick leaps over a targeted area, dealing a medium amount of damage. Keg Smash Icon Keg Smash deals a small amount of damage and applies Brew to enemies in the targeted area, a debuff that Slows enemies and can be Ignited with Breath of Fire Icon Breath of Fire, which deals Area of Effect damage in a cone shape in front of Chen. Chen's third Basic Ability is called Stagger Icon Stagger and requires no "Brew" to be activated. Instead, it is a Basic Ability that negates all damage taken for a few seconds and then applies 75% of that damage to Chen.

His first Heroic Ability is Wandering Keg Icon Wandering Keg, which turns Chen into an Unstoppable barrel with high Movement Speed and some Armor that can also Knockback enemies into dangerous positions, secure Control Points (such as Mercenary Camps, including Boss) or be used to escape in case of danger.

His other Heroic Ability, Storm, Earth, Fire Icon Storm, Earth, Fire, allows Chen to split into 3 'Elemental Spirits' that have 70% of his maximum Health each and give him access to unique Abilities in place of Basic Abilities. This splitting process puts Chen into Stasis, removing most debuffs from Chen, including any Damage over Time effects (including his own self-damage from Stagger). If all of the 'Elemental Spirits' die, Chen dies too. When Storm, Earth, Fire Icon Storm, Earth, Fire ends, Chen returns with exactly the same amount of Health he had just before successfully casting it.

The unique Abilities offered by Storm, Earth, Fire Icon Storm, Earth, Fire are:

  • Storm Storm is a survivability tool that gives a Shield to every Elemental Spirit for a few seconds when not empowered or extends the duration of every Elemental Spirit from 12 to 17 seconds and gives them a more powerful Shield without a time limit when empowered;
  • Earth Earth is an engage tool that allows you to close the gap to enemy Heroes with a jump toward a target area within 9 range, then deals 32 damage and Slows enemies hit when not empowered or deals 128 damage and Roots enemy Heroes hit when empowered;
  • Fire Fire is a damage boost that increases Attack Speed and Attack Damage for 5 seconds to every Elemental Spirit, by 50% when not empowered or 75% when empowered.

Strengths[ | ]

  • High single target sustained damage versus Heroes
  • High in-combat sustain through Shielding
  • Dive potential
  • Not reliant on Mana
  • Conditional mobility
  • Powerful and flexible HeroicAabilities
  • Strong bodyblocker
  • Versatile playstyle
  • Hard to gank

Weaknesses[ | ]

  • Prone to being interrupted (when drinking Brew, or when casting Storm, Earth, Fire)
  • Low waveclear and camp clear for a Bruiser
  • Weak in fights before level 10
  • Predictable playstyle

Abilities[ | ]

See Data Page for a table of scaled values at key levels.
Fortifying Brew Icon
Fortifying Brew
Cooldown: 5 seconds

Chen drinks from his keg, gaining 50 Brew and 180 temporary Shields per second, up to a maximum of 540 while drinking. Shields persist for 4 seconds after you stop drinking.

Type: Shield, Resource
Scaling: 4.00% / -
Affects: Self
Targeting: No target
Properties: Stationary channel
Cast time: Instant
- Shields: 2.0/s (x8)
- Brew: 8.0/s (x32)
Shields per tick: 90
Brew per tick: 6.25
Channel time: 4.0 seconds
Flying Kick Icon
Flying Kick
10 Brew Cooldown: 5 seconds

Kick through target enemy, dealing 120 damage.

Type: Spell Damage / Movement: Launch
Scaling: 4.00%
Affects: Enemies / Self
Targeting: Unit target
Cast time: Instant
Range: 6.0

  • Chen is positioned on the opposite side of the target upon landing.
Keg Smash Icon
Keg Smash
30 Brew Cooldown: 5 seconds

Deal 50 damage and soak enemies in Brew for 3 seconds, Slowing them by 10%. After 1.25 seconds, the Slow is increased to 40%.

After being used, this ability becomes Breath of Fire.

Breath of Fire
Deal damage and Ignite Brew-soaked enemies.

Type: Spell Damage, Crowd control
Scaling: 4.00%
Affects: Enemies
Targeting: Point target
Properties: Area of Effect, Clamping, Self-castable
Cast time: 0 + 0.1 seconds
Range: 3.5
Area of Effect: Circle
Radius: 2.0

  • Igniting enemies also extend the duration of Brew-soaked debuff by 1.5 seconds.
Breath of Fire Icon
Keg Smash - Breath of Fire
10 Brew Cooldown: 1.25 seconds

Breathe a cone of flames, dealing 85 damage. Enemies soaked in Brew are Ignited, dealing 171 additional damage over 3 seconds and adding 1.5 seconds to the duration of the Slow from Keg Smash.

After being used or after 6 seconds, this Ability becomes Keg Smash.

Keg Smash
Damage and Slow enemies.

Type: Spell Damage
Scaling: 4.00%
Affects: Enemies
Targeting: Point target
Properties: Area of Effect, Clamping, Damage over Time (Ignited)
Cast time: 0.1 + 0.25 seconds
Area of Effect: Radial
Radius: 7.0
Arc: 60 degrees
Tickrate: 1.0 per second (x3)
Damage per tick: 55

  • Igniting enemies also extends the duration of Brew-soaked debuff by 1.5 seconds.
  • The cooldown does not start counting until Breath of Fire has been used or it has expired.
Stagger Icon
Cooldown: 18 seconds

Damage taken over the next 3 seconds is prevented. Once this effect ends, Chen receives 75% of the damage taken over 5 seconds. This damage cannot be modified.

Type: Status effect / Percent damage
Scaling: -
Affects: Self / Self
Targeting: No target
Cast time: Instant
Tickrate: 1.0 per second (x5)

  • Damage over time can still be prevented, absorbed or dispelled through specific Abilities and effects.
  • Chen can die from self-damage, which grants the enemy team the normal amount of XP and takedown credit.
  • Damage taken during Stagger's protective period is calculated and stored after all reductions, causing its damage reduction to stack multiplicatively with other defensive damage modifiers, like Armor, that were active at the same time.
  • Does not prevent or store damage to Shields.
Wandering Keg Icon
Wandering Keg
Cooldown: 50 seconds

Roll around inside an Unstoppable barrel with 70% increased Movement Speed and 25 Armor, dealing 59 damage to enemies in the way and knocking them back. Lasts for 5 seconds.

Type: Spell Damage, Crowd control / Defensive damage modifier, Status effect
Scaling: 4.00%
Affects: Non-Structure enemies / Self
Cast time: Instant
Area of Effect: Circle
Radius: 1.0
Knockback duration: 0.32 seconds
Knockback speed: 23

  • Chen can not attack, use his Abilities or stop during Wandering Keg.
  • Colliding with an enemy momentarily Slows Chen's Movement Speed by 7%, stacking up to 42%.
Storm, Earth, Fire Icon
Storm, Earth, Fire
Cooldown: 120 seconds

After 1 second, Chen splits into three elemental spirits for 12 seconds, each with 70% of Chen's maximum Health and a unique Ability. The last spirit Ability that is cast is empowered. If all three spirits are killed, Chen will die as well.

Storm can grant the spirits a Shield.
Earth can leap to an area and Slow Enemies.
Fire can grant the spirits Attack Speed, damage.

Type: Summon, Status effect
Affects: Self
Targeting: No target
Properties: Channeled cast (stationary), Stasis
Cast time: 1.0 (ch) + 1.0625 seconds

  • Interrupting the Ability during its cast time puts it on a 10 second cooldown.
  • Each spirit ability can be used only once per cast and requires the corresponding spirit to be alive.
  • Chen is put in Stasis while Storm, Earth, Fire is active. In addition to usual effects of Stasis, Chen is removed from ground plane (disjoints certain projectiles), has no collision, cannot regenerate Health, Mana, Energy or Shields and cannot be seen on the minimap or revealed.
  • Spirits cannot Mount, Hearth, collect Regeneration Globes and power-ups, use Healing Fountain or channel Objectives.
  • Upon dying during that form, Chen receives damage equal to his maximum health which counts to the hero who killed him.
  • Spirits cannot Mount, Hearth, collect Regeneration Globes and power-ups, use Healing Fountain or channel Objectives.
  • At the end of the duration Chen reappears at one of the alive spirit's locations based on the following priority: Storm -> Earth -> Fire.

Scaling: 4.00% (damage & Health)
Targeting: Player controlled
Health: 1731
Basic Attack damage: 59
Attack speed: 1.25
Attack range: 6.5
Movement Speed: 4.4
Unit radius: 0.625

Scaling: 4.00% (damage & Health)
Targeting: Player controlled
Properties: Splash, Slow
Health: 1731
Basic Attack damage: 37
Attack speed: 0.67
Attack range: 1.0
Movement Speed: 4.4
Unit radius: 0.8125

  • Earth's Basic Attacks splash in 3.5 radius, dealing Spell Damage and Slowing enemies within 3.5 radius of the primary target by 25% for 1.75 seconds.

Scaling: 4.00% (damage & Health)
Targeting: Player controlled
Health: 1731
Basic Attack damage: 17
Attack speed: 1.67
Attack range: 1.0
Movement Speed: 4.4
Unit radius: 0.625
Storm Icon
Storm, Earth, Fire - Storm

The spirits gain a Shield for 400 over 3 seconds.

If this is the final Ability cast, the Shield amount is increased to 750 with unlimited duration and the duration of Storm, Earth, Fire is increased by 5 seconds.

Type: Shield
Scaling: 4.00%
Affects: Self (spirits)
Targeting: No target
Cast time: Instant
Earth Icon
Storm, Earth, Fire - Earth

Fire and Earth leap to the target location dealing 32 damage and Slowing enemies in a large area by 70% for 1.5 seconds.

If this is the final Ability cast, increase the damage dealt by 300% and instead of Slowing, the leap Roots enemy Heroes hit for 1.75 seconds.

Type: Spell Damage, Crowd control / Movement: Launch
Scaling: 4.00%
Affects: Enemies / Self (Fire & Earth)
Targeting: Point target
Properties: Root, Slow
Cast time: Instant
Range: 9.0
Area of Effect: Circle
Radius: 3.0

  • Empowered leap bonus damage stacks additively with other offensive damage modifiers.
  • After the leap, Storm and Earth will attack the closest target within their acquisition range, if no attack command is issued.
Fire Icon
Storm, Earth, Fire - Fire

Increase the Attack Speed and Basic Attack damage of the spirits by 50% for 5 seconds.

If this is the final Ability cast, the Attack Speed and damage bonus is increased to 75% and the spirits gain 50% Movement Speed for its duration.

Type: Offensive damage modifier, Status effect
Affects: Self (spirits)
Targeting: No target
Cast time: Instant

  • Damage bonus stacks additively with other offensive damage modifiers.

Talents[ | ]

Eye of the Tiger Icon
Eye of the Tiger

Basic Attacks against Brew-soaked enemies deal 40% more damage and heal Chen for 40% of the damage done.

Type: Offensive damage modifier / Healing
Scaling: -
Affects: Self
Properties: Lifesteal

  • Stacks additively with other offensive damage modifiers affecting Chen's Basic Attack damage.
Freshest Ingredients Icon
Freshest Ingredients

Increase the healing duration of Regeneration Globes by 150%.

❢ Quest: Gather 15 Regeneration Globes.

❢ Reward: Reduce Fortifying Brew's cooldown by 2 seconds, and 50% of its Shield persists indefinitely after drinking.

Stormstout Secret Recipe Icon
Stormstout Secret Recipe

Chen heals for 3.5% of his maximum Health when his Basic Abilities hit an enemy Hero.

Type: Healing
Scaling: -
Affects: Self

Deadly Strike Icon
Deadly Strike

Flying Kick no longer costs Brew. Additionally, its damage is increased by 125% while Chen has Shields from Fortifying Brew.

Type: Offensive damage modifier
Affects: Ability

  • Stacks additively with other offensive damage modifiers that can affect Flying Kick's damage.
Accumulating Flame Icon
Accumulating Flame

Increase Ignited damage by 20%. Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes who are Ignited increase its duration by 0.75 seconds.

Type: Offensive damage modifier
Affects: Ability

  • Does not increase the duration of Brew-soaked debuff.
  • Stacks additively with other offensive damage modifiers that can affect Breath of Fire's damage.
Withering Flames Icon
Withering Flames

Igniting an enemy Hero reduces their Spell Power by 60% for 4 seconds.

Type: Offensive damage modifier
Affects: Enemy Heroes

  • Stacks additively with other offensive damage modifiers that can affect the target's Spell Damage output.
Gift of the Ox Icon
Gift of the Ox

Increase the duration of Stagger's damage prevention by 1.5 seconds and reduce the amount of damage taken over time to 50% of damage taken.

Brewmaster's Balance Icon
Brewmaster's Balance

While at or below 50 Brew, gain 20% Movement Speed. While at or above 50 Brew, regenerate an additional 18 Health per second.

Type: Health regeneration
Scaling: 4.00%
Affects: Self
Elusive Brawler Icon
Elusive Brawler

Cooldown: 25 seconds
Active: Activate to gain 30% Movement Speed and Evade enemy Basic Attacks for 2 seconds. Chen's Basic Attacks reduce this cooldown by 2 seconds.

Type: Status effect
Affects: Self
Targeting: No target
Properties: Evade, Movement Speed
Cast time: Instant

  • Can be activated while casting Fortifying Brew or Storm, Earth, Fire without interrupting the channel.
  • Buff is removed upon successfully casting Storm, Earth, Fire.
Wandering Keg Icon
Wandering Keg

Cooldown: 50 seconds
Roll around inside an Unstoppable barrel with 70% increased Movement Speed and 25 Armor, dealing 59 damage to enemies in the way and knocking them back. Lasts for 5 seconds.

Storm, Earth, Fire Icon
Storm, Earth, Fire

Cooldown: 100 seconds
After 1 second, Chen splits into three elemental spirits for 12 seconds, each with 70% of Chen's maximum Health and a unique Ability. The last spirit Ability that is cast is empowered. If all three spirits are killed, Chen will die as well.

Storm can grant the spirits a Shield.
Earth can leap to an area and Slow Enemies.
Fire can grant the spirits Attack Speed, damage.

Pressure Point Icon
Pressure Point

Flying Kick Slows the target enemy by 40% for 1 second, or by 80% if Chen has Shields from Fortifying Brew.

Type: Crowd control
Affects: Enemies
Properties: Slow
A Touch of Honey Icon
A Touch of Honey

Increase the Slow from Keg Smash by 20% and its duration by 0.5 seconds.

  • Also increases the duration of Brew-soaked debuff.
Ring of Fire Icon
Ring of Fire

After Igniting an enemy, become bathed in a fiery aura, dealing 55 damage every second to nearby enemies for 5 seconds.

Type: Spell Damage
Scaling: 4.00%
Affects: Enemies
Properties: Area of Effect
Radius: 3.0
Tickrate: 1.0 per second

  • Ring of Fire does not affect unaggroed neutral mercenaries.
  • Damaging enemy Heroes with Ring of Fire does not trigger tower aggro.
  • Damage from Ring of Fire is unaffected by offensive damage modifiers and lifesteal effects.
Enough to Share Icon
Enough to Share

Fortifying Brew instantly grants Chen a Shield that absorbs 180 damage, and each second grants nearby allied Heroes a Shield that absorbs 140 damage, up to 420.

Type: Shield
Scaling: 4.00%
Affects: Allied Heroes
Tickrate: 2.0 per second
Shield per tick: 70
Shield duration: 4.0 seconds

  • Does not increase Fortifting Brew's Shield cap.
  • Allied Shield does not benefit from talents enhancing Fortifying Brew.
  • Subsequent applications refresh the duration.
Flying Leap Icon
Flying Leap

Increase Flying Kick's range by 15% and reduce its cooldown by 0.5 seconds each time an enemy Hero takes damage from being Ignited.

Bonus range: 0.9
Celerity Icon

Basic Attacks against Stunned, Rooted or Slowed enemy Heroes reduce the cooldown of Stagger by 2 seconds and grant Chen 30 Armor for 3 seconds.

Type: Defensive damage modifier
Affects: Self
Properties: Armor, Attack Modifier

  • Does not stack with other positive Armor effects. Other defensive damage modifiers, like Stagger's damage reduction, may stack.
Combo Strikes Icon
Combo Strikes

Every 3rd Basic Attack against the same target deals 75% bonus damage. While Chen has Shields from Fortifying Brew and for 2 seconds afterward, he gains 35% Attack Speed.

Type: Offensive damage modifier, Status effect
Affects: Self

  • Changes target and progresses in the cycle even if the attack misses due to Blinds or Evasion.
  • Stacks additively with other damage modifiers affecting Chen's Basic Attack damage.
Untapped Potential Icon
Untapped Potential

Increase Wandering Keg's Movement Speed from 70% to 125% and grants 75 Armor for its duration and 3 seconds afterward, reducing damage taken by 75%.

Type: Defensive damage mdifier
Affects: Self
Properties: Armor

  • Does not stack with other positive Armor effects. Other defensive damage modifiers, like Stagger's damage reduction, may stack.
Elemental Conduit Icon
Elemental Conduit

Increases the spirits' Health to 100% of Chen's maximum Health and all of their Abilities are empowered.

Purifying Brew Icon
Purifying Brew

Casting Fortifying Brew grants Chen Unstoppable for 1.5 seconds.

Type: Status Effect
Affects: Self
Properties: Unstoppable
Energizing Brew Icon
Energizing Brew

If Chen channels Fortifying Brew for its full duration, then he gains 20% bonus Health and 20% bonus damage for 25 seconds.

Type: Bonus Health / Offensive damage modifier
Scaling: -
Affects: Self

  • Does not stack with itself. Subsequent applications refresh the duration.
  • Stacks additively with other damage modifiers affecting Chen's damage output.
  • Energizing Brew buff is removed upon successfully casting Storm, Earth, Fire.
  • Health increase is based on Chen's maximum Health regardless of Chen's current Health.
  • Upon expiration, Chen retains any Health gained through Energizing Brew that does not exceed his base maximum Health.

Builds and guides[ | ]

Icy Veins Chen Guide

Chen Community Build Guides @ HeroesFire

Chen Community Build Guides @ Heroes Hearth

Thegreat610's Chen Builds (2021-02-04)
Builds and Roles
Role: Offlane (Damage/Flying Kick Build)

Fortifying Brew Icon Flying Kick IconElusive Brawler IconWandering Keg IconFlying Kick IconFlying Kick IconEnergizing Brew Icon
Build: [T2131114,Chen]

Role: Offlane (Utility/Breath of Fire Build)

Fortifying Brew Icon Withering Flames Icon Elusive Brawler IconStorm, Earth, Fire IconBreath of Fire Icon Celerity IconStorm, Earth, Fire Icon
Build: [T2332322,Chen]

Role: Semi-Carry (Damage/Basic Attack Build)

Eye of the Tiger Icon Breath of Fire IconElusive Brawler IconStorm, Earth, Fire IconBreath of Fire IconFortifying Brew IconStorm, Earth, Fire Icon
Build: [T1231332,Chen]

Role: Semi-Carry (Supportive/Fortifying Brew Build)

Fortifying Brew Icon Breath of Fire IconElusive Brawler IconWandering Keg IconFortifying Brew IconFortifying Brew IconEnergizing Brew Icon
Build: [T2231434,Chen]

Skins[ | ]

Chen Skins
Rare Legendary Brewmaster
Backstory: To be a Brewmaster is to be an explorer, a lover of nature, and when the need arises; a powerful fighter. For years Chen Stormstout has wandered the world of Azeroth in search of rare ingredients, stirring stories, and of course, good brew.
Chen Legendary Brewmaster
Gem500 / Money4,000
Legendary Brewmaster
Chen Crimson
Chen Jade
Chen Pristine
Gem120 / Shard75
Rare Brewmaster
Backstory: Why do we fight? To protect home, and family. To preserve balance, and bring harmony. For Chen, the true question is: What is worth fighting for?
Chen Brewmaster
Gem120 / Shard75
Chen Brewmaster Amber
Gem120 / Shard75
Chen Brewmaster Frosty
Gem120 / Shard75
Rare Wanderer
Backstory: The limitless realms of the Nexus are the perfect place for a world-wanderer like Chen Stormstout. Who knows what secret ingredients and lost tales are waiting to be discovered!
Chen Wanderer
Gem120 / Shard75
Chen Wanderer Durotar
Gem120 / Shard75
Chen Wanderer Krasari
Gem120 / Shard75
Epic Warmaster
Backstory: The Warmasters serve as the unbreakable front line of Lei Shen's Grand Army. Once the Kaldorei are broken before him, the Well of Eternity will belong to the Thunder King forever.
Notes: This skin theme is part of a shared theme of Warcraft alternative shared history skins.
Chen Warmaster
Gem250 / Shard300
Chen Warmaster Flame
Gem250 / Shard300
Chen Warmaster Storm
Gem250 / Shard300
Chen Event Skins
Epic Lunar Lunar Festival
Backstory: The loremasters say that coins are a symbol of fortune and luck. During the Lunar Festival, elders hand out Coins of Ancestry to those who seek them out and pay their respects.
Features: Themed abilities.
Notes: This skin theme is part of a shared theme of holiday skins.
Chen Lunar
Gem350 / Shard400
Chen Lunar Verdant
Gem350 / Shard400
Chen Lunar Azure
Gem350 / Shard400

Portraits[ | ]

Chen Portraits
2015 TeSPA Membership Portrait
2015 TeSPA Membership
Carbot Chen Portrait
Carbot Chen
Gem120 / Shard75
Chen Hero Portrait
Chen Hero
Chen Mastery Portrait
Chen Mastery
Chen Icon Portrait
Chen Icon
Gem75 / Shard40
Chen-O'-Lantern Portrait
Hallow's End Chen-O'-Lantern
Gem75 / Shard40
Lunar Chen Portrait
Lunar Festival Lunar Chen
Gem75 / Shard40

Lunar Festival Portrait
Lunar Festival
Lil' Lunar Chen Portrait
Lunar Festival Lil' Lunar Chen
Gem75 / Shard40
Robo Chen Insignia Portrait
Robo Chen Insignia
Gem75 / Shard40
Suplex-Stout Chen Portrait
Nexomania II Suplex-Stout Chen
Gem75 / Shard40
Toon Lunar Chen Portrait
Lunar Festival Toon Lunar Chen
Gem75 / Shard40
WoW Chen Portrait
WoW Chen
Gem75 / Shard40

Sprays[ | ]

Chen Sprays
Carbot Chen Spray
Carbot Chen
Gem120 / Shard75
Chen Icon Spray
Chen Icon
Gem75 / Shard40
Chen-O'-Lantern Spray
Hallow's End Chen-O'-Lantern
Gem75 / Shard40
Feast-ival Chen Spray
Lunar Festival Feast-ival Chen
Gem120 / Shard75
Lunar Chen Lantern Spray
Lunar Festival Lunar Chen Lantern
Gem120 / Shard75
Paper Chen Spray
Paper Chen
Gem75 / Shard40
Robo Chen Insignia Spray
Robo Chen Insignia
Gem75 / Shard40
Toy Wandering Keg Spray
Toys Toy Wandering Keg
Gem75 / Shard40

Emojis[ | ]

Chen Pack 1 Emoji Chen Pack 1 Chen Happy Chen Pack 2 Emoji Chen Pack 2 Chen Angry
Emoji Name Shortcut Emoji Name Shortcut
Emoji Chen Pack 1 Chen Happy Chen Happy :chenhappy: Emoji Chen Pack 2 Chen Angry Chen Angry :chenangry:
Emoji Chen Pack 1 Chen ROFL Chen ROFL :chenlol:
Emoji Chen Pack 2 Chen Cool Chen Cool :chencool:
Emoji Chen Pack 1 Chen Sad Chen Sad :chensad:
Emoji Chen Pack 2 Chen Oops Chen Embarrassed :chenoops:
Emoji Chen Pack 1 Chen Silly Chen Silly :chensilly:
Emoji Chen Pack 2 Chen Love Chen in Love :chenlove:
Emoji Chen Pack 1 Chen Meh Chen Speechless :chenmeh:
Emoji Chen Pack 2 Chen Surprised Chen Surprised :chenwow:

Quotes[ | ]

Main article: Chen/Quotes

Rework[ | ]

On June 10, 2019, the Heroes of the Storm development team released the patch notes on the Public Test Realm (PTR) that included a full-blown rework to Chen. The task of ripping apart his kit and putting it together in the right order was put in the hands of Live Designer Adam Jackson. Jackson sat down with [http://www.invenglobal.com/ InvenGlobal} to discuss his plan of attack for Chen.

For Chen, Jackson saw an opportunity to create a new, more dynamic playstyle for him while keeping the fantasy of playing as a Pandaren brewmaster alive. There were a few problems he saw in the kit that they were looking to solve. The biggest one was his Trait. It was really hard to design around and to balance around because there are really two parts as to what the identity of Chen is. The first is that he has kind of a cadence to his Abilities. They are all very low cooldown. He has a rhythm that he gets into where he kicks in, he does his Keg Smash, he breathes his fire to light the Brew and then he drinks to mitigate the damage before he cycles and does it again. The key issue was that so much of his power was tied to drinking Brew and it was so important to the rest of his kit. And while that is not necessarily a problem for a lot of Heroes when they have one main thing they want to focus on, for Chen, it defined what he wanted to do and his counterplay. It created a lot of binary interactions where a lot of the counter-play to Chen was, 'Do you have CC (Crowd Control) to stop him from drinking?' And 'Can you kill him before he drinks again?' For Chen, it was, 'How do you not let that happen?'

At first, it seemed like it worked pretty well but then as we made more and more heroes that bring different types of CC to the table, it became pretty easy to draft a team that has at least one CC or multiple interrupts that could stop him from drinking. The natural question of "Why doesn't Chen's Trait grant him Unstoppable so he isn't impacted by CC when drinking?" floated around the Heroes' community. But Jackson felt that might cause more issues than it solves. Making it Unstoppable would have definitely made him better and it would have made him more viable. But, in Adam Jacksons mind, it would not have really solved the issue of creating interesting play and counterplay moments with Chen. All that it would have done was removed counterplay from him. Now the interaction would have become more binary where it is 'Can Chen out-drink the amount of damage that the enemy team is dealing to him?' If yes, then he just wins. If no, then they will just pump damage into him and kill him. Jackson and the team found a middle-ground by tweaking the numbers on his Trait and adding Stagger as his E-ability to mitigate damage. According to Jackson, he wanted Chen to have the feel of a World of Warcraft multi-phase raid boss where you have to pay attention to multiple things at once.

Long-time Chen players know that hitting level 10 meant two options: Do I go with the fun/meme-y Heroic (Wandering Keg) or the thematically awesome but pretty low-impact one (Storm, Earth. Fire)? Neither of them turned the tide of team fights very much but Wandering Keg could prove useful, if used properly, so it was generally the go-to selection. Jackson knew that had to change, so he tackled the seldom selected one and gave it a facelift: "I really wanted to improve the Heroics in different ways. Storm, Earth, Fire was a bigger headache because it is such an iconic ability that I didn't think we can get rid of it but I wasn't too happy with the way the ability worked on live because it was kind of spammable. You just used it and it frustrated the enemy team and you use it to get out of a bad situation and then Chen's clones would just kind of hop away and become more difficult to manage. It was kind of simple to execute sometimes but frustrating for opponents because you couldn't really do much about it as it was difficult to kill all three. With that Heroic specifically, I really wanted to try tone down the mobility a little bit. I kind of figured it's cool that Chen can bait opponent's a little bit before he dies as you start channeling his Heroic then you can pop it and run away but I thought I was a little too easy to get away. Instead, I wanted to play up, 'Okay, what if we had these abilities be really, really strong and Chen could only use them once?' So we tried that and I felt like it was a pretty big hit. We just tried to rip off of that and we thought 'What if the power wasn't in the abilities themselves but in the order that you use them?' So that is how we came up with each ability being really strong but the last one that you use is empowered and that, when we first played with it, was a slam dunk. Depending on the situation at-hand, Chen's empowered move can be used to deal added damage, increase survivability or create some CC of his own."[3]

Trivia[ | ]

  • Chen first appeared in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (July 2003).
  • Chen's Heroes of the Storm incarnation's Keg Smash and Breath of Fire Abilities, as well as the Elusive Brawler and Storm, Earth, Fire talents, strongly resemble the Pandaren Brewmaster hero that represented him within Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.
  • Chen is voiced by Keone Young.
  • Chen was one of the three Heroes revealed at Gamescom 2014.[4]
  • Chen is one of two pandaren heroes in Heroes of the Storm, the other being Li Li Stormstout, his niece.

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