Heroes of the Storm Wiki

Loadout view

The Loadout offers the ability for players to outfit their roster with preferred Skins, Mounts, Banners, Sprays, Announcers, and Emojis.

Players can create up to three Loadouts per Hero, and they're automatically saved. Each Loadout can be have a custom name as well.[1]

Known Bugs[ | ]

  • Currently, there is a bug that makes loadouts from another hero (including voice lines) equipable to a completely different hero, for example:

Selecting Tassadar, playing his voice line, then switching to a completely different hero, like Raynor, and searching for a game will result in the Tassadar voice line could be played with the Expression Wheel "X".

This Voice line will persist even if the player was disconnects then reconnects to the match, and other players also can hear it.

References[ | ]

  1. Progression 2.0 - New hero, in-game event and skins!. Battle.net. Retrieved on 2017-03-31.