Heroes of the Storm Wiki
Haunted Mines
[[File:Haunted Mines loading screen|center|350px]]
Battleground Information
Unique Objectives
  • Kill the Undead Army and Grave Golem inside the mines
  • Collect the Cursed Skulls
  • The strength of the Bone Golems is based on amount of Cursed Skulls collected

"Haunted Mines" is a two-lane two-level battleground set in the realm of Raven Court with the Grave Keeper serving as the battleground announcer. Inside the mines, an Undead Army and a Grave Golem spawn periodically which drop Cursed Skulls when killed. Collecting Cursed Skulls empower your team's Bone Golem, with the team with the highest amount of Cursed Skulls, out of 100 available, having a stronger one. The Bone Golem, once resurrected, will walk down the lane smashing buildings and enemies until its defeated.


Far from the Cursed Hollow, on the very borders of Raven Court, lie the Haunted Mines. Sealed beneath a shadowy graveyard, the undead clamor to be released from their earthen prison.[1]

Map layout

"Haunted Mines" battleground has two levels. A top forest level, and a bottom haunted mines level.


The top forest level, has two lanes, on the north and south edges of the map, with an entrance to the mines from the middle of each one. All of the objectives in the top level are located in a forest in between them and mirrored on the opposite east and west side with an additional one in the center. Mercenaries captured by a team will only attack down the lane opposite from that team's Bone Golem.

Haunted Mines map top

Areas of interest

  • Watchtowers - two watchtowers overlook the central west and east sections of the forest.
  • Mercenary camps - there are three mercenary camps to be recruited in this battleground:
    • Siege giants - two siege giants siege mercenary camps at the western and eastern sections of the forest.
    • Knights - one knight bruiser mercenary camp at the center of the forest.

Haunted mines

The bottom haunted mines level has two entrances at its north-western and south-western parts. The entrance to the mines is closed until the undead first spawn inside, after witch, the mines are kept opened.

Haunted Mines map bottom

Areas of interest

  • Undead Army - 35 Undead in groups of various numbers spawn in eight different spawn locations all over the mines. There are six groups of four, and one group of five and six each.
  • Grave Golem - A Grave Golem spawns at the eastern edge of the mines.

Unique objective

The unique objective revolves around collecting as many Cursed Skulls in order to summon the stronger Bone Golem. The announcer will give a warning, 30-seconds before the mines open.

Cursed Skull collection

An Undead Army and Grave Golem will spawn periodically inside the mines and drop 100 Cursed Skulls. Each undead drops two Cursed Skulls when killed (with a total of 70 skulls from the Undead Army) and the Grave Golem drops 30 Cursed Skulls over the course of the fight against him, with 12 dropping when he's killed. To collect Cursed Skulls, a hero will need to walk over them when they appear.

Bone Golem

When all 100 skulls have been collected, Bone Golems will resurrect at both bases, in different lanes. Each Bone Golem's health is dependent on the amount of skulls the team collected in the mines, with the team that collected over 50 skulls having stronger one in strength as well. At the start, the Bone Golem resurrect in its team's base and will walk down the lane smashing buildings and enemies until its defeated. After a certain amount of time, the undead will respawn in the mines. With each consecutive golem phase, the Bone Golems will continue resurrecting from the spot where they were previously killed.

Announcer quotes

The Grave Keeper is the announcer of this battleground.

General quotes

These quotes are similar to other battlegrounds.

Event Quote Notes
Pre-battle "Get ready for combat, heroes." Said in sequence.
"Battle commencing in...ten seconds."
Battle begins "Fight, kill!" One of these at random.
"Let the battle begin!"
"Now go, and summon my golems!"
Battle over - victory: "Well done... Well done, indeed." One of these at random.
"You have served me well, heroes."
Battle over - defeat "Well, shall we try again?" One of these at random.
First blood "First blood!" If your team had the first kill.
"The enemy draws first blood." If the enemy team had the first kill.
"Blue team draws first blood." Heard only on replays.
"Red team draws first blood." Heard only on replays.
Hero killed "<amused laughter>" One of these at random.
"Enemy slain."
"More bones for the mines."
"Your enemies fall before you."
"Hero slain." Heard only on replays.
Death "Did I not mention this land is beyond death?" One of these at random.
"You have been slain."
"You will return shortly.."
Killing streak "Double kill." Two kills in a row.
"Triple kill." Three kills in a row.
"Quad kill." Four kills in a row.
"Mega kill." Five kills in a row.
Killing spree "Killing spree." After killing 3 heroes without dying.
"Rampage." After killing 5 heroes without dying.
"Mayhem." After killing 10 heroes without dying.
"Untouchable." After killing 15 heroes without dying.
"Hero of the Storm." After killing 20 heroes without dying.
"Your killing spree has ended." When you get killed.
Fort destroyed "A fort has fallen." One of these at random.
"Fort destroyed."
"Your fort has fallen."
"The enemy has destroyed a fort."
"Blue team has destroyed a fort." Heard only on replays.
"Red team has destroyed a fort." Heard only on replays.
Keep destroyed "Keep demolished! One of these at random.
"Keep destroyed.
"Their keep has fallen.
"Your enemy's keep falls.
"Your enemy has destroyed a keep."
"Blue team has destroyed a keep." Heard only on replays.
"Red team has destroyed a keep." Heard only on replays.
Core under attack "Core under attack." One of these at random.
"Hurry, the enemy is attacking your core!"
"Your core is under attack."
"Your core is under attack, heroes!"
"Blue team's core is under attack." Heard only on replays.
"Red team's core is under attack." Heard only on replays.
Talent available "Choose a talent." When a talent becomes available.

Unique quotes

These quotes are unique to this battlegrounds.

Event Quote Notes
30-seconds warning before the mines open "Are you prepared to fight the undead? The mines shall open shortly." One of these at random.
"Death stirs within the mines... Shall you brave the darkness?"
"Listen, heroes... The undead shall rise within the mines shortly."
"The damned shall soon return. Prepare yourselves, heroes."
"The dead rise again, heroes. Dare you enter the mines?"
"The mines will open shortly, heroes... soon the undead will awaken."
When the mines open "Do you hear that clattering? (darkly) I believe they're hungry..." One of these at random.
"Enter heroes, the damned await."
"Gather skulls and empower your golem!"
"Slay the undead and claim their skulls, heroes."
"There's no turning back now..."
When all Cursed Skulls have been picked up "Break free and destroy your enemies!" One of these at random.
"Let my golems rise again!"
"Now is the hour of my golems' return."
"Rise again, my golems, and unleash your boundless anger!"
"Rise golems! Rise and let loose your wrath!"
If your team's golem is stronger "The golems return... Yours is far more powerful." One of these at random.
"The spawning is complete. Your golem outpowers your foe's."
"Well done. Your golem is much stronger than your foe's."
"Well done, your golem is stronger than your enemies."
"Your golem is stronger than your foes. Make the most of it."
If your team's golem is weaker "A weak golem. Gather more skulls, heroes." One of these at random.
"The golems rise... But be wary, yours is far weaker than your foe's."
"You will need to gather more skulls than that, if you wish a stronger golem."
"Your golem is complete... but it is weaker than that of your foes."
"Your golem is weaker than your foe's. Prepare your defenses."
If both golems are of similar strength "It seems both golems are of similar strength." One of these at random.
"Your golems are of similar strength. Prepare yourselves."
Golems start attacking "<Dark laughter>" One of these at random.
"Hold on, things are about to get grave."
"My golems return... This should be amusing."
"Oh good, the main attraction is about to begin."
"Unleash your boundless anger!"
"Well, this should be downright ghoulish."
Golems defeated "And so, the bone golems fall. Dust to dust, as they say." One of these at random.
"It seems my golems return to the earth. For now."
"My golems have fallen. No matter, there are always more skulls to be had."
"The golems have been defeated."
"The golems will return, heroes."




Minions, creeps and mercenaries





  1. Haunted Mines - Official site. Retrieved on 2014-09-16.

External links

In Rotation_ Alterac PassBattlefield of EternityBlackheart's BayBraxis HoldoutCursed HollowDragon ShireGarden of TerrorHanamura TempleInfernal ShrinesSky TempleTomb of the Spider QueenTowers of DoomVolskaya FoundryWarhead Junction
Custom Mode Only_ Haunted MinesLost Cavern
Removed_ Hanamura